
Gouda Cheeseboard

Serves 4-6
Active Time
Total Time
A beautifully arranged cheeseboard featuring Roth Gouda, perfect for gatherings or a cozy night in. Pair the creamy, nutty Gouda with a variety of accompaniments like fruits, nuts, and crackers for a delightful tasting experience.


  • 6 oz Roth Gouda, sliced or cubed
  • Assorted crackers
  • Fresh fruits (e.g., grapes, apple slices, figs)
  • Nuts (e.g., almonds, pecans, or walnuts)
  • Cured meats (e.g., prosciutto, salami)
  • Dried fruits (e.g., apricots, cranberries)
  • Honey or jam for drizzling
  • Optional: Olives, pickles, or spreads


  1. Slice or cube the Roth Gouda and arrange it in the center of a large cheeseboard or serving platter.
  2. Arrange the assorted crackers around the cheese. Add fresh fruit, nuts, cured meats, and dried fruits in small clusters around the board to create a balanced and visually appealing layout.
  3. Drizzle honey or jam over the cheese or serve it on the side. Add any optional items like olives or pickles, and garnish with fresh herbs or flowers for extra color.